Spiritual Foundations is social, charitable religious organization who provide help to poor & need people without any discrimination in true sense and help come though crowdfunding which help also generated self-employment or ...

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Spiritual Foundations

Spiritual Foundations is social, charitable religious organization who provide help to poor & need people without any discrimination in true sense and help come though crowdfunding which help also generated self-employment or motivation to help others in society people to upgrading them and make honest humble in nature. 


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Spiritual Foundations
Spiritual Foundations is social, charitable religious organization who provide help to poor & need people without any discrimination in true sense  Read More...

Management Team

प्रमुख सेवादार

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क्षेत्रीय प्रमुख सेवादार

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जिला प्रमुख सेवादार

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केंद्रीय प्रमुख सेवादार

Name (Member Number)


This foundation is bringing peace to all mankind of this world by making it aware of its origins and keeping the principle of humanity and Vasudhaiva-Kutumbakam in cent percent life. In this context, it is absolutely necessary to know the main purpose of human life that human life is not just for food, sleep, enjoyment and fear. Human beings are the best beings of the universe, so humans have been anxious and curious to know their own and the origin of creation for centuries. For this, humans have adopted two paths, first spiritual and second science. The Spiritualists first tried to explain to the human by realizing the vast, infinite, unbroken, imperishable and powerful power of the physical body and studying the soul, the conductor of the physical body, that the human being joined with this entity, loss - profit, happiness - sorrow, life - Death, fame and defame, and rise above inadequacy, can lead a life of pleasure. Read more...



Spiritual Foundations is social, charitable religious organization who provide help to poor & need people without any discrimination in true sense and help come though crowdfunding which help also generated self-employment or motivation to help others in society people to upgrading them and make honest humble in nature. It protect & care them also trust spared wave of faith & humanity & human ...

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The Spiritual, Social and Charitable Foundation has a broad field of service. For service, it is necessary to have a sense of service in all three, body, soul and wealth. Service does not go away, service continues, as if thirst is not felt, thirst itself becomes felt. If service is done then the subject will be born again, the ego will automatically be born, humanity will disappear after the ego comes and the service...

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Spiritual & Discourse


The Spiritual, Social and Charitable Foundation recognizes that satsang has special significance to beautify the earth. Satsang means the association of God, now the question arises that how should we associate with God? So its simple answer is that those who know God, have established unity with God. Such people are decorated in the name of a saint. This foundation is a saint that a saint does not have any ...

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In the eyes of the Spiritual, Social and Charitable Foundation, Sumiran means remembrance or recollections. This remembrance is such that the world is absorbed in every particle of the world. The human mind is filled up with the such feelings that the creator of the whole world is evident everywhere universally...

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Bramha Knowledge & Devotion


The Spiritual, Social and Charitable Foundation believe that knowing about a substance within creation is called knowledge, and revealing it is called science. For example, it is said to contain electricity in water, and the presence of electricity from water by a plant equipped with equipment is called science. Who is the creator, foster ...

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Jiva Spirit & Bramha


Spiritual, Social and Charitable Foundation Jeeva - Atman and Brahman are in one state, just as there are three states of water in the form of matter, solid and gas, similarly there are three states of the same Brahman. A human is in the state of an organism as long as it is minted in the body or body. When a human goes to the shelter ...

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The Spiritual, Social and Charitable Foundation is creating a society where high walls, castes-castes, Varna-ashrams, blacks-whites, food-gatherers, and sari-walls of languages fall and create an egalitarian society. Human will have to rise above body, intellect and wealth to establish such a society because as long as the human ...

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The concept of heaven and hell has been spoken in human mind since the beginning of time. Human strives for all of heaven, Spiritual, Social and Charitable Foundation calls home as heaven hell, a house where family members live together in love, a house in which family members give respect to each other. Living, the ...

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A human being is a social animal or simply a human being is an integral part of society. A society is created as it is manned. When a human becomes distorted mentality, society also becomes perverted. In such a society, widespread forms of hatred, hatred, violence, untruth, selfishness, raga-deshya etc. become visible. In such a ...

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The whole world is divided by its own boundaries. Humans have also tied themselves under the boundaries of the country, as a result, the language of one country is living, clothing, food, customs etc. and even humans do not like other countries. The borders of the country are considered to be the separation ...

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In this regard, the Spiritual, Social and Charitable Foundation is creating a society where love is seen by eradicating all the contaminated, sullen feelings from the human mind by making human beings see the vastness of themselves. Every human in the world should respect every human. When mutual love, brotherhood ...

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The Spiritual, Social and Charitable Foundation is working on connecting spirituality with the origin by giving metaphysical Brahmaveta Gyanacharya with the foundation of spirituality as a basis for raising humanity to the highest level, for the holistic development of human beings and human religion. This mission is shedding ...

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